Welcome to Azelle

Azelle. What is it? Where is it? Why are we here? Okay, the last question is probably more existential than we need to get in a simple newsletter/blog post. Besides, I can offer suggestions and ideas all day long, but in the end, only you can answer that question for yourself, haha.  

If you've read my Azellian Affairs series: Alawahea, Triangle and the recently released Revelations, you already know something about Azelle. This blog post is a bit of a departure: more sci-fi than romance, but for those of you who know the series, you know that there is a balance between the science fiction and the romance. I’m playing a little more on the science fiction side of the equation in this blog post to feed the curiosity of those science fiction readers in the crowd.

No worries, there are no direct spoilers in this description, although you may find helpful explanations for those of you who have always wondered what the planet—which we haven’t seen in any depth yet, catching only glimpses—looks like.

Azelle is a desert planet located many lightyears away from Earth. It is older than Earth, somewhat smaller in diameter and closer to its aging, somewhat dimmer sun, but still well within the habitable zone of that star. It's a rocky planet with slightly lighter gravity and a little more oxygen content in its atmosphere than Earth has, which can create some level of euphoria in humans when landing on the planet. Despite its appearance as a sand-covered desert, it does have free flowing water, although that water is primarily underground. Azelle boasts three moons that create somewhat complicated weather systems and planet wide winter sandstorms that make living there sometimes a bit challenging, but it can also be stunningly beautiful. 

Azelle has a native population of non-human non-corporeal beings, and it also has a race of sentient physical beings who look like--and can interbreed with--humans quite easily. There is a reason for that, which we will be exploring in my new novel, Revelations, but for now, I will only say that there is a reason Azellians look like humans and are virtually indistinguishable from them, except for some psychic talents they go to some lengths to hide from humans. 

We have run into a few technical difficulties with the Amazon portion of the celebration. Revelations is available on Amazon, but only in print. We’re working hard to get the Kindle version sorted out but for now, check out the print version of Revelations: Book Three of the Azellian Affairs: