We’re in this Together: Interview with Authority Magazine!

I recently was granted an interview with Authority Magazine. Thank you, Authority Magazine! I’m honored and pleased to be able to speak about my experiences on grit -which I call persistence - and some people might term sheer stubbornness—and to share some of my story about discovering how very important a team is to everyone’s success, but in particular mine.

The funny thing is, I didn’t think I fit into Authority Magazine’s vibe. When I first reviewed the opportunity, presented by my amazing friend and supporter, Alissa Tyler, I couldn’t even imagine that anyone would want to hear from little ol’ me, much less a prestigious magazine that interviews high powered leaders of all types. It wasn’t “grit” that kept me moving forward, I told myself, it was … well, I didn’t know what it was that has kept me writing in the face of everything that life throws our way, but it wasn’t “grit”. Maybe it was a contrary nature that asserts itself when I least expect it, but it was certainly nothing as high-minded as grit. Grit was for Steve Jobs or Bill Gates, for Stephen King or JK Rowling, not for me? 

The joke was on me, of course. It took me a while to settle into the idea,. But, as I thought about it, I realized that I did have something to say about the journey I’m on.  If I could share those realizations, speak about the discoveries that have help me grow and have led directly to my achieving a childhood dream of publishing my stories, then maybe I did have something to say.  

Like everything else in my life lately, being interviewed led to some self discovery. Yes, grit has led me forward—sometimes kicking and screaming—but the biggest and most amazing discovery I have learned so far, is the value of a team. I grew up with the idea that we can only lean on ourselves, that we can only depend on a very few number of people (and only if they are related to us). The experience of publishing has showed me that to be simply untrue. We’re all in this together, and even though it might be my name on a book, the book would not be where it is if it weren’t for the amazing people who have supported and cared about me and the story throughout. Yes, the story is mine to tell, but there are more people than I who contribute to it. The interview with Authority Magazine has given me an opportunity to explore that and I will be forever grateful to have had the experience. 

Thank you, from the deepest levels of my heart, Authority Magazine! 

Here’s a link to the interview!: <<https://medium.com/authority-magazine/q-a-with-sara-l-daigle-c0f377d27aee>>